Cold email has even lower response rates especially if the emails are being sent to large lists. When you assume a -% response rate then efficiency matters…a lot. But that’s the wrong expectation on LinkedIn. I consistently get meetings with % of the people I start conversations with on LinkedIn. People in our Prospecting Accelerator consistently get meetings for every connection requests. That’s because we take the time to engage with leads personally using human-to-human
communication. Many people claim that I’m being Afghanistan WhatsApp Number inefficient when I research leads so I can write unique and personal messages to every individual I approach. But the fact is this approach consistently works to get meetings. My approach is very effective. That means I need to reach out to far fewer people in order to meet my sales goals. I’ll take effectiveness over efficiency any day! to use LinkedIn for sales prospecting? Get our Profitable Prospecting
newsletter. Human-To-Human Engagement Is More Effective This is what I mean when I talk about human-to-human communication on LinkedIn. When you take the time to treat a person as an individual to treat them with respect they’ll respond. But this requires an individualized human-to-human approach on LinkedIn. Examples of LinkedIn Prospecting Message Templates Now that we’ve discussed the strategy behind prospecting on LinkedIn let’s look at some LinkedIn messaging templates.