Athat information. RoxanaParaschiva Sseac December Name Email Establishment of the Romanian Road Safety Authority. Project. ware Administrative law Legislation National legislation minutes Cristina Dutescu March Project number PLx no. Name of the project Draft Law for the establishment of the Romanian Road Safety Authority ARSR The purposewhat is new The Romanian Road Safety Authority will be the only institution competent to manage the performance of the road safety impact assessment the road safety audit the road safety inspection as well as the training attestation training and improvement activities professional of road safety auditorsinspectors.
The main activities of the Road Safety Authority concern the management Country Email List and improvement of the safety of road networks bridges tunnels viaducts uneven passages and other works of road art with the related terrain road safety authorization of the design construction and operation of road infrastructure as well as road safety consultancy analyzing the possible effects of road works on road traffic safety investigating and researching accidents that concern the road infrastructure ensuring periodic safety checks and inspections of the road network bridges tunnels viaducts overpasses and other road.
Works of art with the related land authorization and technical supervision of suppliers of products and services in the field of road infrastructure including suppliers of horizontal and vertical signaling and road marking means. above articles and of PLx no. establish other attributions of the Authority to be established. The law transposes the provisions of Directive EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of November regarding road safety management published in the Official Journal of the European Union series L no. of November . Camera seized Senate The decisionmaking chamber The Chamber of Deputies Stage The draft law was adopted by the Senate in its initial.