A beautiful photo and a short thoughtful text are worth much more than a low-quality photo and a repetitive text that is empty of fundamental concepts. It nourishes your customer in short if there are texts on your site that can in some way enrich your prospect's knowledge he will certainly take your service into consideration especially because you are telling him something he didn't know and even more something true. It affects the success of a project it is useless to tell you the reason but what is certain is that if your communication is planned and thought out it will certainly be more successful than something improvised.
It fosters the relationship between you and the customer if you manage to capture the attention of your possible customer it's because you are on the same line of thought. But not only. We all like to read interesting texts where we always find something Digital Marketing Service that improves us or improves our knowledge. Real storytelling thanks to content design you will then be able to create storytelling I.E. on a story. A tangible example is fairy tales where there is an articulated story to achieve a specific purpose to teach children (morals). Obviously if you haven't thought about the content of your text storytelling will be impossible to put into practice.
You will write texts optimized for conversion we have often talked about seo and how important it is today to write seo friendly texts. Once you have chosen the keywords of your text and designed an effective storytelling your text will also help you rise in search engine rankings increasing the conversion rate of users who read your site. It differentiates you from your competitors by writing a text rich in content you will be able to convey a message to your potential customers which will certainly be different than that of another company.