Asomeones attention. Its hard to ignore and can really make your products and services stand out. 2. CardBased Card Based page layout Image Source A cardbased layout showcases multiple elements on your homepage using different cards or boxes. This creates even spacing between content and makes it easier for visitors to locate a specific webpage or blog post. When to use this page layout This is ideal if youre showcasing products or have a series of blog posts that you want to share with your audience. Its easy to navigate and allows you to promote several pieces of content at once. 3. Hero Section Hero Section page layout Image Source.
A hero section layout is similar to a fullscreen background image with a few small changes. Hero refers to the banner image thats placed above the fold on your homepage. Navigation Digital Marketing Service features typically are placed above the image while text icons and calltoactions can be positioned either below or overlaid on the image. When to use this page layout Hero layouts are great for pretty much any type of website or business. They grab the viewers attention with a highquality image and they also allow you to add marketing copy either on the image itself or directly below it. This makes it great for or services.
Company offers. 4. Animation Animation Page LayoutImage Source Who doesnt love animations Theyre fun engaging and like with the case above sometimes mesmerizing too. Animations set elements in motion on your page. They can draw attention to a specific element or just create an interactive and enjoyable experience for your users. When to use this page layout The example above gives us a good idea of how you can use animation on your homepage. You can use it to highlight a promotional price point or showcase what your product can do in action. 5. Masonry Masonry page layout Image Source Similar to the cardbased layout the masonry layout also uses boxes to showcase content. However rather than having.