標題: Advantages of using video for your marketing [打印本頁] 作者: RABIULISLAMSP88 時間: 2024-3-5 18:44 標題: Advantages of using video for your marketing communication mars AuthorHear Salak communicationmarketingvideopng In digital marketing various channels are available to you to convey a message and generate engagement The most used means include text photos and of course video We know very little about this latest communication medium which is nevertheless very successful More than of internet traffic today is generated by video and YouTube has gradually become a fullfledged search engine like Google What are the advantages of using video for marketing communication Summary Adapt to how the internet works It is not possible to have excellent results in digital marketing without a good command of internet trends For a long time producing quality content simply meant writing articles with high added value to possibly
associate with good photos If this approach worked for a while now is the time for video Rich People Phone Number List Indeed since YouTube has become the second largest search engine after Google Internet users no longer connect just for entertainment to find educational and edifying content As we enter keywords into the Google search engine to read articles based on our various concerns more and more people are gradually showing a preference for video Social networks have gradually entered into this dynamic to the point where video today represents the most popular medium on the web According to Cisco of internet traffic in will be generated by video Several decisionmakers are therefore turning to companies such as the video agency Film Corporate for the implementation of their video communication strategy Opt for attractive communication The web today is full of varied information on a variety of themes It is no longer so easy to capture the attention of Internet users who are now
prone to infobesity This is the whole point of video communication Opting to produce a corporate film or institutional film to communicate about your company means taking up the challenge of fluid attractive and captivating communication The film is tailormade to deeply impact the Internet user in just a few minutes The video incorporates a certain playful scope so as not to push back at the same time as it transmits important information about your structure and its functioning By using storytelling you can capture emotions with a beautiful story around the creation and development of your